Death of a Wife

Haiku series

Galit Birk, PhD
P.S. I Love You
Published in
1 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by Kilian Peschel on Unsplash

A big empty house.
Just a shell of a woman.
Once full and vibrant.

His disapproval
constantly wearing her down.
Killing her spirit.

Never good enough.
Never thin enough, nor smart.
She lets this sink in.

Just a house, a shell.
Empty, bare, like their marriage.
Devoid of love, joy.

A death of a wife.
A woman, freed, comes alive.
Takes back her power.

His looks of disgust
now a distant memory.
She loves herself now.

End and beginning.
A voice once lost has been found.
New world opens up.

Joy fills emptiness.
She is enough; beautiful.
She blooms again now.



Galit Birk, PhD
P.S. I Love You

Psychology, human potential, therapy, coaching, possibility, vulnerability, authenticity, connection, being known, giving my words wings! Perfectly imperfect.